Sitemap - 2024 - theoria-press

liturgy of the seasons (40)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №144

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №143

liturgy of the seasons (39)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets: №142

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №141

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №140

liturgy of the seasons (38)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets: №139

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №138

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №137

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №136

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №135

liturgy of the seasons (37)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №134

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №133

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №132

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №131

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №130

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №129

liturgy of the seasons (36)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №128

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №127

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №126

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets: №125

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №124

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №123

liturgy of the seasons (35)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №122

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №121

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets: №120

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №119

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №118

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №117

liturgy of the seasons (34)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №116

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets: №115

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №114

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №113

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №112⅔

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №112

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №111

liturgy of the seasons (33)

a sonnet: “when pastel clouds bedeck the morning air”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №110

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets: №109

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №108

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №107

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №106

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets: №105

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №104

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №103

liturgy of the seasons (32)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets: №102

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №101

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets”: №100

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (99)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (98)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (97)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (96)

liturgy of the seasons (31)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (95)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (94)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (93)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (92)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (91)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (90)

liturgy of the seasons (30)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (89)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (88)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (87)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (86)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (85)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (84)

liturgy of the seasons (29)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (83)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (82)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (81)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (80)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (79)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (78)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (77)

liturgy of the seasons (28)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (76)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (75)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (74)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (73)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (72)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (71)

liturgy of the seasons (27)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (70)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (69)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (68)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (67)

a short note about impatience and its absence

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (66)

liturgy of the seasons (26)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (65)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (64)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (63)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (62)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (61)

liturgy of the seasons (25)

liturgy of the seasons (24)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (60)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (59)

sonnet: “ loaves of bread turn thou these callous stones”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (58)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (57)

a poem: “what lies behind the veil of yearning…”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (56)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (55)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (54)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (53)

liturgy of the seasons (23)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (52)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (51)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (50)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (49)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (48)

liturgy of the seasons (22)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (47)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (46)

a poem: “...waiting on the Pentecost”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (45)

a poem: “…but now their starry conferences adjourning”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (44)

liturgy of the seasons (21)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (43½)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (43)

what is grace? some notes

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (42½)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (42)

calendar moments: Vladimir Solovyov

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (41)

a poem: “...and transfigure broken shards to sight”

liturgy of the seasons (20)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (40)

a poem: “between two leaves of a linden tree...”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (39)

a short note about the genetic fallacy and the world without the Word

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (38)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (37)

liturgy of the seasons (19)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (36)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (35 ½)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (35)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (34)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (33)

liturgy of the seasons (18)

freedom and the image of God in Man

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (32)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (31)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (30)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (29)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (28)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (27)

liturgy of the seasons (17)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (26)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (25)

a “sonnet”: “for lack of oil, the burning lamp goes out…”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan sonnets (24)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (23)

a “sonnet”: “now the stars are hidden by the day...”

liturgy of the seasons (16)

stubbornly-persistent illusions

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (22)

paradigms of life and the resolution of them

a poem: “…is that joy is ever fleeing to the past”

“…and thou hearest the sound thereof”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (21)

a poem: “...around me nature chants her sacred psalter”

a poem: “we’ve sailed, my love, o’er many a sea…”

a poem: “that summer morning, I remember well...”

liturgy of the seasons (15)

a poem: the stone the builders rejected

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (20)

a poem: “when from your bed you make ready to rise...”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (19)

God only loves himself

poem: “you’ll never know how all this time”

a “sonnet”: the lilies of the field

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (18)

liturgy of the seasons (14)

a “sonnet”: blessed are the poor

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (17)

a “sonnet”: clad in russet mantle of the morning

poem: “who parts the curtain of the morning sky?”

a poem for St. John’s Day: make straight the way

a “sonnet”: each one knows the pathways it shall run

the “turning of the soul” in the Book of Job

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (16)

liturgy of the seasons (13)

a “sonnet”: I am the fire, I am the sea

a “sonnet”: to wed that light that is our means of seeing

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (15)

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (14)

on the conversion of desire and the magnum opus

poem: “...I found myself before your marble face”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (13)

sonnet: “when all the morning stars together sang”

liturgy of the seasons (12)

a “sonnet”: after many days

a “sonnet”: your flock of dreams

“...And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (12)

on the “conversion” or the “turning” of the soul

liturgy of the seasons (11)

“...for God is love.”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (11)

on the organizing ideas of experience

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (10)

Goethe’s way of science as second-person epistemics

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (9)

the world that doesn’t exist and what to do about it

liturgy of the seasons (10)

“…Is not this the carpenter’s son?”

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (8)

relativistic spacetime and the essence of Light

a certain indefinite number of Petrarchan “sonnets” (7)

aphoristic notes on the Trinity

liturgy of the seasons (9)

podcast: talking over Neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory with Subboor Ahmad

the treachery of images and the unity of Existence

twelve Petrarchan “sonnets” (6)

concerning the Glorified Body

a sonnet for Pentecost

liturgy of the seasons (8)

twelve Petrarchan sonnets (5)

Adam & Eve II

twelve Petrarchan sonnets (4)

pronouncing the Oneness of Nature

liturgy of the season (7)

on “the Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant” and the mystery of intentionality

twelve Petrarchan sonnets (2)

a phenomenology of knowledge and memory

liturgy of the seasons (6)

twelve Petrarchan sonnets (1)

on “Philosophy is an art”

“Gravity is the therapist”

a rhapsody on Nature as “The First Testament”

“quo vadis, universitas?”

liturgy of the seasons (5)

calendar moments: Marcus Aurelius

calendar moments: Immanuel Kant’s tricentennial

liturgy of the seasons (4)

miscellany (5)

liturgy of the seasons (3)

liturgy of the seasons (2)

Resurrection Sunday

liturgy of the seasons (1)

poem: a vision of the Rood

liturgy of the seasons (52)

scenes from Holy Week: Good Friday

scenes from Holy Week: Thursday

scenes from Holy Week: Wednesday

scenes from Holy Week: Tuesday

scenes from Holy Week: Monday

scenes from Holy Week: Palm Sunday

“…and hardened their hearts”

liturgy of the seasons (51)

liturgy of the seasons (50)

on the Four Causes and The Advancement of Learning

“…And there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

the Many and the One

liturgy of the seasons (49)

calendar moment: the death of The Angelic Doctor

calendar moment: on the anniversary of Copernicus’ De revolutionibus orbium coelestium being formally banned

liturgy of the seasons (48)

miscellany (4)

podcast: talking over the newly published collection of essays by Owen Barfield with Mark Vernon

liturgy of the seasons (47)

liturgy of the seasons (46)

poem: “Tree of Life”

calendar moments: Immanuel Kant

liturgy of the seasons (45)

liturgy of the seasons (44)

rhapsody on the war between the Gods and the Giants

the treachery of images and the unity of Existence

liturgy of the seasons (43)

liturgy of the seasons (42)

liturgy of the seasons (41)

Abraham Travelleth to Rome

liturgy of the seasons (40)