a sonnet for Pentecost
“touch the Light that is our means of seeing/indwell the Life that is our form of being”
FEEL that font in you which feels both joy and pains bethink the root of thought, its welling power drink in the Truth—the sap that flows, sustains the Tree of Life, and bodies forth as flowers— orange, violet, pink, and white, and red— colors for the wayward soul to make her seat and greenery on which to make her bed to sip on nectar gold and honey-sweet poured out from the Sun (chalice of the day), know that faith by which we seek and find our Way touch the Light that is our means of seeing indwell the Life that is our form of being and in our deepest sleep, let hearts awaken the soul may lose herself, but never be forsaken
Amen. The light is changing isn’t it? A more palatable nearness of being seems to greet us in its radiance, and it’s glow more penetrating, pervading, blessing. bestowing and informing. Amen.
Babel versus Pentecost
Promethean fire versus Pentecostal fire