Ordinarily I don’t publish so much poetry at Theoria-press, and instead try to provide mostly essays with an odd poem or sonnet occasionally interspersed among them. But the Muse’s visits have outstripped my ability to keep pace with prose pieces so readers who prefer essays should peruse the archives of this site, which are replete with them. This is an actual Petrarchan sonnet so it will not be preceded by my usual exculpatory disclaimer about having departed from the paradigmatic form.
THE TIDE of night had washed about the land
and born all troubles out into the shapeless sea
and left behind my troubled mind to me
left me vainly with the wish to understand
to grasp this world’s riggings with my hand
but instead I catch only the soul’s debris
the more I seek for things the more they flee
from me like startled birds from where I stand
but then I raised my gaze unto the sky
and there beheld descending like a dove
a power stream into world from high
above our unsuspecting heads, above
our hearts, and all Being in communion tie
in one seeing and one knowing and one love
I have felt that too. Thanks for expressing it so beautifully
"If one studies anthroposophy, or supersensible knowledge, for any length of time, then one begins to know that man's dilemma is solved once the effort is made to work for the attainment of this knowledge. In fact, the chief feature of this knowledge, also called spiritual science, is also its greatest challenge to the present dilemma of mankind. The reason concerns this fact: This body of knowledge exists in advance of the forms of reasoning necessary for its comprehension. Yet, the forms of reasoning are imbedded within the content that comprises this knowledge, thus allowing reason to evolve in the course of its active acquisition. This fact makes this knowledge into a new paradigm, in effect. And the reason is because this knowledge is the complete reverse of what has previously occurred in order to achieve man's present-day materialistic knowledge, which is based on the progressive development of deductive and inductive reasoning in the previous cultural period, which ran its course from the 8th century BC right up to Thomas Aquinas. In other words, reasoning logically precedes knowledge formation, as proven by this previous period of time, which culminated with the start of the Renaissance, and our entry into the present cultural age, c.1413 AD. From the time of the Renaissance up to the last quarter of the 19th century, a recapitulation of the previous cultural period took place with the philosophical systems that formed in Germany (Idealism), and Western Europe (Logical Empiricism), in order to effectuate a bestowal of thinking and reasoning ability onto mankind. In other words, German Idealism is to Platonism/Aristotelianism, as Logical Empiricism is to Romanism and Arabism. And mankind today thinks with the same reasoning power of a Greek and a Roman, and an Arab. It is a matter of evolution; spiritual evolution."
-----Stream of Consciousness, Part 4