"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread". Patience is a virtue, and wherein the stoicism of many, like Marcus Aurelius, shines forth. He was the last of the good emperors, succeeded by his own son, Commodus, who had him turning in his grave, and wondering at the profundity of it all. You see, evil must exist in order to be defeated by the Good for ultimate Freedom. This is the Manichean Objectivist position.
This is where I think Ryan Anderson went off the rails, and it was week 4 in the current season. Thanks for placating him Max, which I would also do. Now, we are at week six, on the beach of the Sea of Tiberius, c. May 5 2024.
All I know is that Petrarch was motivating my response. I feel bruised when someone blatantly deletes their comment, which was wonderful to hear and prompted my own comment. The Italian Renaissance of Francesco Petrarcha comes some two hundred years before the traditional Renaissance seen in the rest of Europe. Thus, it is the Sentient Soul meeting the Intellectual Soul as a kind of gateway.
That was my thought, Max, and these sonnets will prove worthy to hear. You have needy customers, and that is good.
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread". Patience is a virtue, and wherein the stoicism of many, like Marcus Aurelius, shines forth. He was the last of the good emperors, succeeded by his own son, Commodus, who had him turning in his grave, and wondering at the profundity of it all. You see, evil must exist in order to be defeated by the Good for ultimate Freedom. This is the Manichean Objectivist position.
Sorry to have offended the customer.
This is where I think Ryan Anderson went off the rails, and it was week 4 in the current season. Thanks for placating him Max, which I would also do. Now, we are at week six, on the beach of the Sea of Tiberius, c. May 5 2024.
I’m a little perplexed by these comments, Steve. maybe missing context now? I can see the seed for this thread was deleted.
I don't know what happened?
All I know is that Petrarch was motivating my response. I feel bruised when someone blatantly deletes their comment, which was wonderful to hear and prompted my own comment. The Italian Renaissance of Francesco Petrarcha comes some two hundred years before the traditional Renaissance seen in the rest of Europe. Thus, it is the Sentient Soul meeting the Intellectual Soul as a kind of gateway.
That was my thought, Max, and these sonnets will prove worthy to hear. You have needy customers, and that is good.