I like the title Through a glass, darkly. The materialistic outlook can certainly be a dim, narrow perspective. Too many people have adopted this way of seeing life and as a means to an end. I think people take to materialism because it's an easy answer for them, especially if living in fear. I try to forgive but be sure to plant my seeds with these mindsets. On a larger scale, science has been viewed and abused through this dark glass perception and it has morphed into crude rationalism. Science may use math, but science can rarely arrive at true or false conclusions like math equations can.

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I like how you framed science: a tool. it reveals how ludicrous it is for people to virtue-signal by affirming that they "believe in science." nobody would say "I believe in hammers and handsaws." instead, they us them for the job and then put them away when the job is done. and yet some people see to want to use science for everything. it's obvious in the first case and it escapes me why it should not be equally obvious in the second, though I think you bring to light an important point to consider re motivated reasoning.

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I agree. Every idea is imagined by human beings that learn in a context.

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I could learn so much from you. If you’re ever in Florida please let me know.

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