Hi Max,

I am reminded again about the period of time in which I walked around a building for some seven years, c. 1987-1994, with a cast of players in the pursuit of knowledge.


Peri- is the Greek word for "around," and peripatetic is an adjective that describes someone who likes to walk or travel around. Peripatetic is also a noun for a person who travels from one place to another or moves around a lot.

We were just co-workers and friends, and yet, every turn around this building meant new revelations and discoveries. Seven years it took place, and everyone lived for it to take place. I think I was the only one that saw its underpinnings in Aristotle. So, to walk around this complex was a daily exercise, and loved very much by its participants. I appreciate hearing about it again in 2024, some 30 years later. It means we are making progress. You especially seem to be one that knows that what seems incommensurable to human knowledge has to be most carefully laid out in order to be comprehended.

I try to do this, as well, and especially *like* the opportunity to give more in the comments which come through for further clarification. This is the only way possible to proceed.

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Wow! This just blows my mind! So cool! I am not sure I am even realizing all of what you have written but what I think I do understand is awesome! I am going to forward this I think I know how to do it? To my friend at The Open Ark he will understand it better than me but your conclusion I think is pretty clear! And actually I was thinking something along those lines because we had Bishop Gerasim of Fort Wirth at St Barbara’s today and his homily on the story of the Woman at the Well was great really made me think how Christ related to everyone by first showing them the love of the Father within Himself and then revealing that within them, seeing past all their masks and externals and letting them see Him as He is - the I AM ! It all comes down to Christ everything, literally everything real and living can be traced back to God and everything that will live and grow is only thru Him. As you say in your article, implicitly I think, unless it is in God, thru God or with God it does not truly exist or have being and life.

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thanks, Holly.

Yes, I ultimately excised about half a dozen references to Scripture, including 1 Corinthians 12 on “the body of Christ,” and ye are his members in particular because the frequent quotations obstructed the flow of the argument.

But vis-à-vis “turning,” I imagine a sort of material analogy in the question of, on a gloved hand, how two fingers could touch. You might say, “take the glove off,” and it’s a legitimate injunction, but it wouldn’t solve the problem because it would just expose a new barrier in the form of the surface of the skin. Physicists tell us the atoms themselves repel one another through their charges.

But imagine a “turning about,” in this case. What would it look like to look upwards from the tip of a finger towards the heart that is sustaining you? I imagine it would be like staring at the Sun. In any case, this much is clear: that the two fingers were already touching in an essential and not merely a peripheral way.

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Yes I think I see what you mean….. we are connected to each other and to God our Creator thru more than the physical body, our spiritual connection is even stronger as it is the basis for our being ?

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Max can you please help me here not sure about two Jesus or the mysterious John Mark?

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So Max do you read Shy Guy meets Buddha Don B? I may have not represented Christianity too well because I know that many Christians do believe there is a metaphysical/ philosophical understanding that heterosexuality is not the only type of sexuality that is accepted by God however I am not one of that mind and don’t see where the saints or Church Fathers who taught self denial and the purification of our souls and bodies would accept it either …..

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no, I don't know what that is

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Yet, Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit to a virgin. Was that really possible?

Even Joseph was known to have upheld the arrangement as the putative father, and made a carpenter of his son. Now, Mary at the empty tomb was clinging to someone that she did not know, but felt his authority. Master Jesus. Did she give birth by the Holy Spirit? Where else did the mysterious John Mark come from?

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I like these comments very much. Max has drawn attention again to the significance of "turning", and every time it happens we need to be aware that evolution is also taking place. For example, Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb on the morning of the first day. It is even before sunrise, and so it is still dark. She finds the tomb empty, and so rushes to the disciples to inform them, and Peter and Lazarus-John race to the spot, and look in. They find the tomb empty, and the garments cast aside, and yet the face cloth is neatly folded up. They leave amazed, as if in anticipation of a great occurrence.

Now, it is Mary's experience after Peter and Lazarus-John leave that is really interesting. She looks into the tomb, and sees two Angels, at the head and the foot of the grave. They ask, "Woman, why do you weep"? Then, she *turns* and sees Jesus, who asks her the same question, "Woman, why do you weep"? She explains, although she does not recognize who this Jesus is, and thinks he must be the gardener. Then, she hears another voice, who says "Mary". This voice, she recognizes, and so *turns* again, and says, "Rabboni"!, which is the sign of recognition between them. So, we have two turnings, and why would that be? It must be two concrete experiences of two Jesus Beings, and why not. We know there were two Jesus children who grew up, and even lived together for a few years there in Nazareth.

What happened next is largely incommensurable with anything known in the world today, and that includes Spiritual Science. One of these two says: "Woman, stop clinging to me for I have not yet risen to my Father". This does not sound like the Jesus that she knows and loves from out of the three years.

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I have never heard of two Jesus children ??? And did not think the Church believes there were? Or there in the tomb either?

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Yes, the Gospels of Luke and Matthew describe two distinctly different Jesus boys. It is overlooked by modern Christian theology, but identified and described in detail by the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner. Steiner's lectures on the Gospel of Luke from September 1909 is the first place where these two boys and their respective spiritual streams is described in detail.


"Differing accounts of the childhood of Jesus in the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke. The findings of spiritual investigation in connection with events prior to the Baptism and the descent of the Christ into the three bodies of Jesus of Nazareth." Lecture I

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Hi Holly,

You asked Max about the Jesus children, and John Mark. Then, I begin to give evidence, and you have nothing more to say, or ask. Why is that? Knowledge is porous throughout. We only have to be willing to engage the process. Anthroposophy is centered in the Mystery of Golgotha for a reason. It is because it is the central event in all of Earth evolution, and Rudolf Steiner reincarnated in 1861 in order to give this event the mark of Christian Rosenkreutz.

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