The seven days after Palm Sunday leading to Easter are sometimes called “Holy Week,” and each day presents scene or episodes that I think over and contemplate and I would like to invite readers to do that with me.
I feel a new chapter is opening in my life, as a Catholic I appreciate the references to holy, spritual, events and the astrological significance. How I bring this together when growing my lettuce is going to be interesting.
This is wonderful to hear. This year may be especially significant when we consider that the normal calculation of the Feast of Annunciation is extended to the point of a total solar eclipse. The birth of the Christ-child was foreordained to be connected to the Sun. We know that, and this year could have a special meaning toward this comprehension. 2024 is an important centennial.
Personally, I think a lot about Max's "Parable of the Sower", which he refers here as an important adumbration to his recognition of both the lunar eclipse, and the Feast of Annunciation. These are very important signs of what Holy Week means. We must always question and observe as the world turns. If Spiritual Science is in our compass, then all the better. The joy is to correspond with those who care. This becomes the foreshadowing of the New Jerusalem.
Thanks. This is the way I feel about these matters, and maybe especially at this time of year. The Beatitudes, for example, gain a heightened feeling that they are a real and developing fact of evolution. And, here we are, some two thousand years after they were first spoken. Spiritual Science is the most comprehensive means to receive this all-encompassing message of exactly where we are, where we were, and where we are going.
When the Feast of Annunciation, March 25th, is coincident with Holy Week, then it is deferred to the Octave of Easter Sunday, which is April 8th this year. This Day beholds a total solar eclipse, which is visible in the United States.
I'm perfectly happy with that, but there appears to be a clause when this feast occurs during Holy Week that extends its celebration to eight days after Easter. This is one of those extremely rare occasions when a total solar eclipse occurs on Monday, April 8th.
I feel a new chapter is opening in my life, as a Catholic I appreciate the references to holy, spritual, events and the astrological significance. How I bring this together when growing my lettuce is going to be interesting.
This is wonderful to hear. This year may be especially significant when we consider that the normal calculation of the Feast of Annunciation is extended to the point of a total solar eclipse. The birth of the Christ-child was foreordained to be connected to the Sun. We know that, and this year could have a special meaning toward this comprehension. 2024 is an important centennial.
I wonder what questions you think about?
Personally, I think a lot about Max's "Parable of the Sower", which he refers here as an important adumbration to his recognition of both the lunar eclipse, and the Feast of Annunciation. These are very important signs of what Holy Week means. We must always question and observe as the world turns. If Spiritual Science is in our compass, then all the better. The joy is to correspond with those who care. This becomes the foreshadowing of the New Jerusalem.
The joy is in the correspondence. I absolutely agree.❤️
Thanks. This is the way I feel about these matters, and maybe especially at this time of year. The Beatitudes, for example, gain a heightened feeling that they are a real and developing fact of evolution. And, here we are, some two thousand years after they were first spoken. Spiritual Science is the most comprehensive means to receive this all-encompassing message of exactly where we are, where we were, and where we are going.
When the Feast of Annunciation, March 25th, is coincident with Holy Week, then it is deferred to the Octave of Easter Sunday, which is April 8th this year. This Day beholds a total solar eclipse, which is visible in the United States.
on the other hand, it is supposed to commemorate the conception of Jesus, which should happen 9 months before the 25th of December
I'm perfectly happy with that, but there appears to be a clause when this feast occurs during Holy Week that extends its celebration to eight days after Easter. This is one of those extremely rare occasions when a total solar eclipse occurs on Monday, April 8th.