Here, I was wondering where is Max and his more prolific display. Glad to see it twice in one day! Kind regards, and you always give the "Appian Way" for response. This is the military venture, like we have in the Gaza region these days, and takes my time. It all seems related.

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haha I'm afraid I am too simple to follow you on this one so I can't really respond to your comment other than to entreat you to elaborate

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I apologize for being obscure. I need to spend more time on this essay, and see if I can elaborate better.

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I think I might be able to respond with a little more clarity now. Three-fourths of your essay is about why philosophy exists and how rightful it is to have a personal and subjective opinion about truth, knowledge, what's right, what's wrong, etc. It is considered by science the subjectivity department, while the scientists hold sway over the objectivity part, which is the physical world of their quantification and measuring skills of phenomenal appearances. Then, in your last paragraph you reveal what it all means and matters. You convey that a Moral World Order exists above all, and this is where Freedom exudes and bears the Good. Nature necessity could never make us free, even as science assesses Nature. Only the Moral World Order which issues from God (Good), and in which Philosophy works to Know. "Saving the Appearances" is a wonderful saying, don't you think? For Goethe, it was: "reserving the primal phenomenon as the archetypal thought piece".

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very interesting. thank you for this essay

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my pleasure, and thank you for the comment

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Your post is worth thinking about more than just reading it once. Is the post a philosophy that encompasses the deeper practice of biodynamic cosmology and unseen forces?

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“Nay, but let every good and true Christian understand that wherever truth may be found, it belongs to his Master…”

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thanks for all your stuff

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True justified belief ...... Theaetetus is an amazing creation of the mind.

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