Jun 26Liked by Max Leyf

Upon the mirroring and turn we face

Each in His presence as there is no other’s grace

From Eve to morn and morn unto Eve

His light is shining wisdom’s weave

Be unto himself me and you are each christened by his will his love his logic imbued

Freed is the rest found in this His blessed holy spirit where goodness that blesses unfolds with every passing moment and minute

In this space of timelessness the shimmering light of His face finessed and becomes as all is His to enfold beyond and between the score unfinished but not untold

And in God speed upon them is seen His beloved and angelic His Eternal Flame and Companions sheen. 🕊️

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Tat Tvam Asi

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“When, during the life between death and rebirth we enter into the Mars region,we grasp the full significance of the saying, ‘Tat tvam asi’, ‘Thou art that’, and of the other saying, ‘I am Brahman’. ‘Tat tvam asi’, ‘Thou art that’, is only an earthly rendering of what is a self-evident experience in the Mars region, the lowest region of Spiritland. If we now ask whence the wisdom of ancient India derived the deeply significant affirmations, ‘Tat tvam asi’, ‘Thou art that’, ‘I am Brahman’, we have now identified the region in question and those Teachers in ancient India are revealed to us as beings belonging to the Mars region but transferred to the Earth. To what was said years ago in the book Theosophy about the Mars region, the lowest region of Devachan, there can now be added what we have heard in these lectures. Namely, that at the dawn of the modern age the Buddha was transferred to this same region, the Mars region. Half a millennium before the Mystery of Golgotha, the Buddha—regarded as one who was to prepare spiritually for this Mystery—had come to the Earth, to the territory where Mars wisdom had been proclaimed since times primeval. And centuries after the Mystery of Golgotha he was, as we know, sent by an act of Rosicrucian wisdom to the Mars region in order to continue working there.”

GA 141, 1 April 1913

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I just thought to engage a little prose meets poetry for the mojo effect :)

Buddha going to Mars is still a whopper that has people saying, "see how Steiner said so many ludicrous things". Why would anyone follow a lunatic? Yet, there is a means and purpose to all this. Out of sense-free thinking and its application, truths are revealed that prove something. Yet, one has to engage the process. Steiner made it easy. 400 volumes of engaged intellectuality from 1900 to 1925. Then, of course, it has to be published in the various languages from its original German. Oy Vey!

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