this one was even more gripping. great work! last line was a little bit of a let down.

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is it any better this way?

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i really like this poem. but sometimes criticism is good so i voiced mine but perhaps i misunderstood. i thought hte first ending so bereft love, to feel is all weve got. i thought it was saying something like, if we dont love then we´re stuck with feelings. i love this point but it seemed a little pedantic and anti-climactic. the new ending loses the meaning of the first or perhaps I was missing the point all along? anyway, i really admire your creative impulse and ive had a few poems in my quiver for the pasf few months that you are going to help me push out just by example!

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understood, thanks. maybe I’ll change it back because that is really what I meant.

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die liebe ist kein gefühl! sie wird erprobt! so sagt wiggtenstein! one of my favorite quotes of his!

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brilliant! thanks

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ok! I’m going to work on it

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Love to read your poetry friend and yes midsummer is the time!!! I seem to feel the change of seasons and cosmic shifts too it can be very unsettling

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I’ve been climbing up on the rooftop to compose them in the virginal morning rays of sun, just after 5 o’clock in the morning

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Be careful up there in the roof my friend! Really could be slick with morning dew!!! Where do you live? We are in Fort Worth. Roofs way too hot to sit on. Lol! But I agree something about dawn is so precious. I have tried to write a few aubade poems myself because although it is the beginning of a new day sometimes you just want to linger in the night

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Thank you, Holly. I’m in Alaska so we have the opposite problem. In fact, I had to finish my sonnet for today* inside cause it was a scant 47° up there and I was in shorts and a t-shirt.

And thank you for alerting of the danger ascending and descending rooftops. I did slip and abrade myself the other day, but it was a small price to pay and I would do it again in a heartbeat. But it did get met thinking about how we actually calculate or determine whether something is “worth it.” I think when somebody is in a state of depression, nothing seems worth it, and vice versa.

* it may undergo some revisions before it appears on Theoria-press but here is the draft I composed this morning:

I’VE let go what will, let come whatever may

so I no longer need to be afraid

I don’t need to keep the change today

for tomorrow’s debts I’ve already paid

I used to ride a ship upon the ocean

and sail a sea of glass beneath the sky

with wind that filled my sails with forward motion

and bore along the boat that kept me dry

but then the sky was rent by bolts of thunder

of hammer-blows of wrathful gods reigned down

my ship an anvil clove by fire asunder

and I believed that I must surely drown

come and surge upon me raging tides of life

with waves that swell and break upon my back

bereave me, part my garments with a knife

with nothing left, there’s not one thing I lack

fire burns and water seeks to drown me

I am that fire, I am that raging sea

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Wow! I really like that! And feel honored that you shared it with me early!!! I went to Alaska on a tour in 1996 so beautiful! But I think it would be hard to live there. Texas is the opposite. I am searching for Middle Ground. I should write a poem about that because when I was young I could swing the pendulum to great extremes and never like the seeming inertia of the center but not that I am old ( I will be 65 - think Medicare- in July) I am seeing a wonderful calm and peace in the center.

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It is expected for one to be more poetic in summer, and more literal in winter. The Initiate makes this clear, as seen herein. Nature Consciousness and Self Consciousness; the supreme justification.

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In other words, artistic expressions are above criticism, and verified with the inspiration intact.

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