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I would highly recommend reading this lecture in its entirety. It effectively puts the world on its ear by carefully explaining all that has taken place since the world began, and certainly before the construction of the mere mechanism known as Time.


“The Earth was of course looked upon as ruled in her inner activity, in her movement in the Cosmos, by Intelligences whom one could bring together under the name of the Intelligence of the Earth star. But what was the Intelligence of the Earth star, for the men of Agrippa's time? It is exceedingly difficult today even to speak of these things, because the ideas of men have travelled very far away from what was accepted as a matter of course in those times by men of insight and understanding. The Intelligence of the Earth star was Man himself, the human being as such. They saw in Man a being who had received a task from the Spirituality of the Worlds, not merely, as modern man imagines, to walk about on the Earth, or to travel about it in trains, to buy and sell, to write books, and so forth and so forth—no, they conceived Man as a being to whom the World-Spirit had given the task to rule and regulate the Earth, to bring law and order into all that has to do with the place of the Earth in the Cosmos. Their conception of Man was expressed by saying: Through what he is, through the forces and powers he bears within his being, Man gives to the Earth the impulse for her movement around the Sun, for her movement further in Universal Space.

There was in very truth still a feeling for this. It was known that the task had once been allotted to Man, that Man had really been made the Lord of the Earth by the World-Spirituality, but in the course of his evolution had not shown himself equal to the task, had fallen from his high estate. When men are speaking of knowledge nowadays it is very seldom that one hears even a last echo of this view. What we find in religious belief concerning the Fall really goes back ultimately to this idea; for there the point is that originally Man had quite another position on the Earth and in the Universe from the position he takes today; he has fallen from his high estate. Setting aside however this religious conception and considering the realm of thought, where men think they have knowledge that they have attained by definite and correct methods, it is only here and there that we can still find today an echo of the ancient knowledge that once proceeded from instinctive clairvoyance, and that was well aware of Man's task and of his Fall into his present narrow limitations.”

Indeed, Man was once Lord of the Earth with only a Geosphere holding Him up. Then, perforce, the Sun intervened in order to change all this, and bring Man down from His lofty station; His so-called "ancient heritage", in order to endure the Fall. So, Man was conscribed to a different fate than the original, and the concept and notion of 'original sin' was born. With this knowledge, everything changes in a moment.

The original teachers of Earth evolution, for example, were transferred to the Moon in order to take up new functions there.

This lecture is essential, and a rarity of explanation of how Genesis already contains the meaning of the change from Man as Lord of the Earth, based on the Geosphere, to fallen Adam, who is formed from dust by virtue of the shifting to a Heliocentric (Sun-centered) model of the Solar System. Thus, the Lord God, who is a Sun-Spirit, or Elohim. The original plan of Earth evolution was effectively revised herein, and how and why we have the system of evolution experienced instead today. Gnosis of the highest order is contained herein. Meister Eckhart is followed by Agrippa of Nettesheim in this description. Essential stuff.

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thanks Steve. It reminds me of a question I wanted to ask you touching on the so-called bifurcation between God and Lord God. Is it right to think that the second thing incarnated as Jesus Christ and, by extension, into humanity?

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Yes. The Lord God is Jehova, and by further extension, Christ. In this lecture on The Mission of the Earth, the description is given of what this is all about, and how it happened. Another essential lecture. The seven Elohim, or Spirits of Light that formed on the ancient Moon:

"When the ancient Moon had completed its evolution, there were seven great beings of this kind who had progressed far enough to pour forth love. Here we touch upon a deep mystery which Spiritual Science reveals. In the beginning of the Earth-evolution, there was on the one side the childlike humanity which was to receive love and become ready for the reception of the ego—and on the other side there was the sun which separated from the earth and rose to a more exalted existence. Seven principle Spirits of Light, who at the same time were the dispensing Spirits of Love, were able to evolve upon this sun. Only six of them, however, made the sun their dwelling-place and what streams down to us in the physical light of the sun contains within it the spiritual force of love from these six Spirits of Light or, as they are called in the Bible, the six Elohim. One separated from the others and took a different path for the salvation of humanity. He did not choose the sun but the moon for his abode. And this Spirit of Light, who voluntarily renounced life upon the sun and chose the moon instead, is none other than the one whom the Old Testament calls “Jahve” or “Jehova.” This Spirit of Light who chose the moon as a dwelling-place is the one who from there pours ripened wisdom down upon the earth, thus preparing the way for love. Now, let us consider for a moment this mystery which lies behind the outer facts."


Then, it is described how Christ becomes the amalgamation of the remaining six Elohim who stayed with the Sun. The Jahve/Christ Stream is born, and a revised plan of Earth evolution begins. The Fall occurs, and upward striving the hard way begins. This is why we can expect so much more than the original plan had in mind, i.e., Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit, Spirit Man. And, three higher Spheres: Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan. Beyond Earth, a huge extension will take place, and bring God right down into His Creation. And it is Humanity that will do it.

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In this love, we begin our journey onward to build the New Jerusalem... Thank you, Steve. This is a great lecture.

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14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, 16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3

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What especially grabs me is where it says: "and that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ,..."

Now, a more technical description of this is that we humans, as three-dimensional beings, bearing three separate perpendicular planes, also received a fourth dimension, as a kind of super-structure. This fourth dimension is Time, and it is Christ who brings Time to Earth out of Sun-space.


This reception of Christ out of Time then easily leads to higher dimensions that point to the New Jerusalem as envisioned by John of Patmos in his Revelations.

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Those words grabbed my attention as well. It is interesting that earlier this week, I read the exact same Whitsun lecture you reference here. I will be giving it another read though as I feel the need to better understand the concept of Christ bringing time to earth from the sun. Then proceed to Revelations. Thank you, Steve.

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This lecture correlates Christ to Time in a way that is unique. Thus, before Christ came to Earth, human beings were spatial beings, with no concept of time other than the sense of duration. We perceived events in space (side by side), but not in succession (one after another) until Christ came to give humanity the Time sense. It became possible for the first *time* to perceive evolutionary progression.

Here is a very good book on the Apocalypse by Emil Bock, an early leader of the Christian Community, which could prove useful in you study of Revelations:


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Thank you for the link, it will get good use! ☺️ I was fortunate enough to come across Emil Boch's Moses at our TS branch's bookstore when it still physically existed- his insights are invaluable.

Also, clarifying how the concept of time was not really perceptible in succession prior to Christ is quite helpful.

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