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a very intriguing prognosis re AI:

“AI wars are a staple of science fiction, but they are rapidly becoming science fact. these new self learning intelligences have become remarkably good at mimicing human speech, parsing human concepts, and producing images that look awfully real or (at least) human made.

it’s becoming a powerful engine for unstructured search.

but it’s also becoming a wildly unreliable one.

people use it to explain contentious topics.

as with google before it, they accept these results as somehow neutral, somehow honest.

but the aren’t.

the machines are being taught to lie by being taught to think based on false facts and fact patterns.

i have caught chat GPT lying to me repeatedly. it literally makes up studies and references them. when you tell it “i cannot find that study. i do not think it exists. can you provide a link?” it will admit there is no study. it will then go right back to citing it or making up new studies by new invented authors. (in fairness, it’s possible that it learned this from reading twitter)

people are using it to “summarize the findings of key studies.”

but it also often radically misstates key claims and misses key issues.

we are entering the reputation economy.

the reputation economy is going to be a VERY different place. with always on facts and fact checking and discourse and debate, the purity of facts as undistorted, unadulterated baseline inputs explodes in value.”


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