Yes! Gazing through a mirror darkly… you must see yourself- but beyond the surface, the source of the True self, Jesus Christ ❤️

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I like the internal self being of Jesus Christ they True self

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Now, how do we qualify that in terms of personal perception? By seeing the model to emulate, which is the personality of Christ-Jesus. The seven stages of Christian Initiation can be found in every personal biography. Yet, they are not in order. One can experience stigmata at age seven, and then experience the scourging at age 55, and then the crown of thorns two years later. It is all about being persecuted in life for what one believes with heart and soul. The Sermon on the Mount describes it very well. It is no easy path, but we are coming together on it.

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(the) Go(o)d risks being too transcendent and lofty for us to conceive but in Jesus Christ, the God himself becomes incarnate as an image and idea and thereby, actionable for us; "nobody cometh to the Father, but through me," says Christ, and "take up your cross and follow me."

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Those four consecutive chapters in John (14-17) are utterly persuasive to me. The disciples came to have total conviction about why things had to take place the way they did. In just about 40 days, they would receive the Holy Spirit from Above and become Apostles. And, they would begin to remember the events of three years with understanding.

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Thanks, Mark. You have made my day. Of course, your sequence may vary, but I have gone on to experience even the mystic death, and now resurrection. It is lovely to think about it in this time of Resurrection, and the burgeoning Spring. Steiner called it the Exhalation Phase from Spring to Summer. Then we hold our breath for the three months called Summer. Thus, a beautiful glorification.

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To a point, I agree with what you're saying it is a strong carolation between pentaneate savages in life. Jesus did not come to take away suffering but show us that we have a soul, his disappearance, resurrection is showing us the return of our souls to the body. Personal perception is just that, every witness says something more or less. The Apostles writing what they persieve, there understanding of what they saw Jesus do.

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Just saw this, Mark. Very good :)

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We are very close to the events of Ascension and Pentecost in this Easter season. In fact, this day of May 7th is the New Moon.


I sense a feeling about you, and Max in this interchange between you and he. It seems to see a kind of clarification, of sorts. Is that it? Can't define it any more than that. But, it's here. Thanks.

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