The Soul's Poetic Power abounding!

This would seem to imply that "creative power", which the other three generally recognized sources of the Calendar of the Soul verses, i.e, Putsch, Mellett, Riedel, is largely a poetic rendition of the soul, and not prose. Yet, Steiner was very largely prose-oriented in a very logical and intellectual pattern. I think we touched on this when we were discussing the realm of Beauty, where the Soul goes at night while we sleep. We need the poetry, which knocks on the door of past lives, which lower Devachan veils while we sleep.

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the analogical power, mysterious and ineffable, and yet epiphanic; you know this, I'm sure, but "logos" means, originally, "to gather."

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Yes. True creative power would be of the nature of the Logos. "In the Beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was *a God*. John 1.

So, by now, would not the soul have attained the power of logical thinking? Even Steiner held that Hegel's "Science of Logic" was superior to his 'Phenomenology of Mind'. Yet, he also says that Hegel lived before the advent of Spiritual Science. He died 30 years before Steiner was born, which is a Saturn Revolution.

Thus, the Soul's Creative Power could now embrace prose, poetry, and even logic in the aftermath of Rudolf Steiner's great contribution coming 124 years ago, .c., 1900-1925.

The question is, "Have we maintained the legacy sufficient to solve the problems that exist today?" Personally, I don't see it by a long shot.

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Thanks. I hope that these remarks don't appear as negative. But, the world is in a strife it has never known before. The world is experiencing signs of extinction on many levels, e.g., species, climate, morality, etc. Yet, the solution was given many years ago by now, and nobody sees it. Can there be a reason?

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