This morning I watched a duck exhibiting some odd behaviour. It flew out of our little pond in front of the house, circled round (which isn’t odd at all, they do this a lot), but then she seemingly “crashed” into the cottonwood which grows not far from the pond, and even closer to the house. Then I remembered that most of the ducks in our area are cavity nesters. And they love cottonwood trees. The pileated woodpecker, who also frequents these parts, makes holes big enough for a small duck to inhabit. So this duck (she, most likely) is enticing her young to jump from the nest. I have never witnessed this, I’m hoping today will be the day. One must be very respectful when it comes to birds, they won’t do anything when you are watching, and they know when you are watching. I tell this story because it relates directly to the meditation from this morning. Yesterday we had thunderstorms and heavy rain which continued throughout the night. The sun is slowly peeking through the clouds and world is literally shining. These lines I dedicate to the ducklings who sit safely in their nest contemplating their fall into the world.

Der Welten Schönheitsglanz,

Erzwinget mich aus Seelentiefen

Des Eigenlebens Götterkräfte

Zum Weltenfluge zu entbinden;

Mich selber zu verlassen,

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