The following essay, excerpted below, has been published in its entirety at Altum. Please follow the link to read the full piece.
“Teleology is like a mistress to a biologist; he cannot live without her but he’s unwilling to be seen with her in public.”
—J.B.S. Haldane1
CHARLES DARWIN is hailed today, together with the likes of Galileo and Newton, as one of the patriarchs of our modern scientific worldview. Countless scientists have sung the praises of the evolutionary theory that Darwin set forth in the latter half of the nineteenth century, beginning the the meteoric On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life in 1859 and continuing with The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication in 1968 and The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex in 1871. The first of these works laid out his “theory of evolution through natural selection,” as it is called.2 The second explored the manifest ability of human selection in more or less controlled environments to alter the features of animals and plants and argued that an analogous process was operative in nature albeit without the foresight and intention provided by human selection. The third of these works applied the theory of natural selection to the human being, arguing that the same processes by which sphagnum moss and paramecia happened to emerge also led, by chance, to the existence of humanity. Interestingly, Darwin also proposed another parallel process of selection in this work, called “sexual selection,” that is generally regarded as peripheral to evolutionary theory but which entails a very different conception of the origin of species than the ordinary view of the so called “Neo-Darwinian synthesis,” which merely indicates the interweaving of Darwin’s theory with Mendelian genetics. I will find occasion to elaborate on this point later in the course of this exploration. Suffice it here to observe that Darwin’s theory is generally hailed as one of the great advances in scientific history and its author has entered into the quasi-mythic company of other great figures science’s long march of progress. Stephen Jay Gould called Darwin’s theory “one of the half-dozen shattering ideas that science has developed to overturn past hopes and assumptions, and to enlighten our current thoughts.”3 Ernst Mayr left no room for equivocation about the place he awarded to it among the history of ideas when he declared that “The theory of evolution is quite rightly called the greatest unifying theory in biology.”4 Peter Medawar granted no quarter to its detractors when he opined that, “For a biologist, the alternative to thinking in evolutionary terms is not to think at all.”5 Indeed, Darwinian evolutionary theory is generally taken to be a settled datum vis-á-vis the origin of lifeforms on the Earth, and if you ask a member of polite society today, he will proceed as though the matter had been settled long ago and could countenance no further objections.6 In other words, he regards the theory as an observable fact and imagines that only pseudoscientists and religious fanatics would have anything further to say on the subject.
But anyone who attempts to employ a theory in the manner that is only appropriate to observations made in light of that theory has already departed from the path of science, properly so-called. As the master himself observed, “All observation must be for or against a point of view.”7 It will immediately be objected that “scientists use theory in a manner that is more sophisticated than laypeople and hence I am playing on an equivocation of the term to cast aspersions on the legitimacy of the science.” But the manner in which scientists employ the term is not really more sophisticated than the manner by which it is employed in common parlance. It is not uncommon for particular fields to develop technical and often idiosyncratic meanings for words and the use of the term “theory” in many of the sciences is an example of this. A theory is, in the most essential sense, a way of seeing.8 A theory is not only intended to explain what can be readily observed without the said theory. Instead, the function of a theory is to disclose a phenomenon to begin with. A great deal more could be said on this point, and I will have occasion to return to it again at a later time. Here, this brief comment alone was warranted in order to preempt a common misunderstanding vis-á-vis theory: to wit, that it can be conceived as merely as an datum of perception rather than the condition and capacity by which observation and perception may proceed and without which they cannot. If it were possible to “extract” a theory from a phenomenon of perception, the perception of the phenomenon would go along with it.
As a rule, proponents of the Darwinian theory affirm it in a manner that would only make sense to treating a finding made in light of that theory. In other words, they do not consider the manner by which a theory does not pertain to the category of scientific fact. Instead, a theory embodies a whole way of seeing, or world-view. In this manner, all scientific facts and observations are transcendentally beholden to their correlative theories. For instance, when the philosopher Daniel Dennett, who has taken up the mantle once bestowed on Thomas Huxley as “Darwin’s bulldog,” makes a statement like the following:
Love it or hate it, phenomena like this exhibit the heart of the power of the Darwinian idea. An impersonal, unreflective, robotic, mindless little scrap of molecular machinery is the ultimate basis of all the agency, and hence meaning, and hence consciousness, in the universe.9
It is necessary to consider the theory tacitly operative and subtending the supposed observation of “mindless scraps of molecular machinery.” Obviously, “mindlessness” is not perceptible to sensory observation and neither is it directly measurable by scientific analysis. Instead, it is necessary to possess a “theory of mind” or a “theory of agency” as a condition to observe eventual instances of these phenomena when they do appear. Lacking a theory of mind, no instance of mind will be accessible to perception any more than a person who had never heard of chess could perceive a chessboard were it presented to him. It is an axiom of Darwinian evolutionary theory to discount the existence and hence operation of mind in nature except vis-à-vis instinctual activity directly indexed to survival and reproductive fitness of an organism. That is the reason for the conflict between the Darwinian theory of evolution and any theory of “intelligent design.” The Darwinian paradigm proposes intelligence, and life, for that matter, as a sort of cosmic accident that was purely the result of random events. Tautologically, something must avoid non-existence if it is to propagate through time. Hence, that intelligence and life eventually arrived on the scene, so it is supposed, is the result of “intelligence-like” and “life-like” phenomena that immediately preceded them, which were in turn preceded by “intelligence-like-like” and “life-like-like” phenomena and so on back to the Original Mystery. Obviously, whatever is said about the nature of the universe before our arrival on it, one thing for certain is that it is the kind of universe in which the potential for life was present from the origin. Coming to grips with this point already entails loosening one’s grip upon the Darwinian paradigm.10
But let us grant the hypothetical series of events that accidentally consummated in intelligence and life as the Darwinist imagines it—hypothetical given that it defies observation in principle because the sensory organs that we find ourselves equipped withal required the entirety of that very evolution to appear and hence could not have furnished us or anyone else with observations at the times in question—it must be acknowledged that the same series of events could have just as well been the result of an intelligent orchestration and design. Indeed, speaking on an evidentiary basis, neither the fossil record, nor the observable behavior of organisms, would need to be any different to accommodate one of these views over the other, let alone the speculative histories that the scientific imagination is compelled to weave. The only difference is, when presented with the evidence in question, the Darwinist would merely explain its emergence on the basis of his own preferred theory. Namely, that all life is the result of evolution through blind instinctive processes, happenstance, and natural “selection.” This judgement is axiomatic under the Darwinian paradigm and hence it holds irrespective of what that evidence in question happened to be—whether it be the eye of an orca, a chloroplast, a feather in the tail of a peacock,11 or the fact that the likes of Darwin, Dennett, and Dawkins bother to compose their copious texts arguing in support of Darwinian evolutionary theory.
But there is a further concern with the Darwinian evolutionary theory aside from its ineluctably conjectural nature and the fact that it may not pass the “falsifiability” criterion that Karl Popper advanced as a sine-que-non of scientific theory.12
Please continue reading this essay at Altum

quoted in Hull, D. (1973). Philosophy of Biological Science. Prentice-Hall.
The five parts of Darwin’s Theory are:
1. Evolution and not static types (Evolutionism)
2. The lineage of all organisms from common ancestors through genealogy (Realgenese)
3. The appearance of new species while retaining the original species (The Principle of Divergence)
4. Evolutionary changes in small steps (Gradualism)
5. The survival of adapted genetic variations and the natural decline of those that are less adaptable (Natural Selection)
S.J. Gould, The Flamingo’s Smile: Reflections in Natural History, 1985.
E. Mayr, Populations, Species and Evolution, 1970.
P. Medawar, The Life Science, 1977.
If this were the case, it would not be the first time that the boot was, in fact, on the other leg in respect to the most fundamental issues, and the person most complacently self-assured of his apprehension of the truth in these affairs were in fact the one least possessed of it. In a recent essay, I treated a comparable issue under the rubric of “wisdom” rather than “truth.” Self-evidently, the concepts bear an intimate relation. Wisdom is, in a general sense, condition and manner by which truth manifests in consciousness.
Charles Darwin, The autobiography of Charles Darwin: 1809–1882, New York: W. W. Norton, 1861, 161.
Our English term stems, as will be familiar to many, from the Greek word theoria, composed of the Greek roots θεωρία, thea “a view, a sight” + horan “to see”).
D. Dennett, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, 1995, 202–3.
Statistician William M. Briggs lays out the reason why we ought to summarily reject outright the dismissal of design on a purportedly scientific basis:
What about the rest of (if you will) creation [beyond man]? That must have been designed, too, in the following analogical sense (if I’m going to be misquoted, it’s going to be here).
You’re asked to design a carnival game for kids, a sort of junior wooden pachinko device. Ball goes in at the top, rolls down a board hitting posts along the way, bouncing to and fro, finally coming to rest in one of four slots at the bottom, A, B, C, and D, which, although it’s not part of the analogy, correspond to certain prizes.
Before the ball is dropped nobody really knows which of the slots will have the ball. All sorts of things will cause the ball to land where it does, from the friction of the ball, board, and posts, the bounciness of and wear on the ball itself, the humidity and temperature of the air, even the gravitational field; and many more things comprising the Way Things Are operating on All There Is (the machine and its environment).
Nobody can track all these causes, yet they must be there, because otherwise how would the ball get where it’s going? One thing is clear, the ball can only land A, B, C or D. It cannot land E nor F nor any other letter because these slots do not exist by design.
Evolution is just like that. However changes occur to an organism, whatever mechanism causes genes to shift, the eventual organism must “land” in, and be caused to land in, some slot, or biological niche if you like. Viable organisms are like the slots of the pachinko game, and non-viable ones—the beasts that cannot live because their genes will not produce a living being in a particular environment—are like the slots that aren’t there.
No scientist knows, and more importantly no scientist can know, that the slots we see weren’t designed, weren’t planned for. And the same is true for the slots we don’t see. The reason is simple: whether the slots were designed is not a scientific question, but a philosophical one. Science can tell us what we’ll see given a set of rules (the Way Things Are), but science, as we learned, must be mute on the big question: why these rules?
As Darwin wrote in a Letter to Asa Gray, April 3, 1860:
It is curious that I remember well [the] time when the thought of the eye made me cold all over, but I have got over this stage of the complaint, and now small trifling particulars of structure often make me very uncomfortable. The sight of a feather in a peacock’s tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick!
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. 2, 1911, pp. 90–91
Karl Popper is a well-known philosopher of science who lived in the 20th century. He is famous for postulating the criterion of “falsifiability” for scientific theories. To wit, if a theory cannot be falsified, then it cannot be considered scientific. Popper was adamant that neither Marxism nor Freudian psychoanalysis could meet this criterion. It should probably be observed that neither (1) the belief that scientific theories must be falsifiable nor (2) the belief that science can answer all kinds of questions is falsifiable either. For that reason, the theory of falsifiability must either be incomplete or untrue, by its own standards. Karl Popper also believed that science is suited to answer all kinds of questions and not merely scientific ones. This can never be demonstrated scientifically so instead it must be considered an article of faith.
"CHARLES DARWIN is hailed today,..." Also yesterday. The piece is much too difficult for the average person to understand. However, I agree with it. I think...
comment thread from Altum, reproduced here for reference:
Ted Davis
August 15, 2023
For an alternative perspective based on Aquinas, see
Prometheus Bound
August 16, 2023
I would love to find out how Dr. Ted Davis would respond to this article, since he has contributed to Biologos, which is an evolutionary creationist organization. Would it be possible to ask him to write a counterpoint?
Ted Davis
August 18, 2023
The short answer is, I agree with Steven Barr (see the link above). When certain scientists, and certain anti-evolutionists, claim that evolution driven by “random” mutations is incompatible with purpose/design, both camps are (IMO) loading too much metaphysics onto how mathematically random processes are helpful in modeling various natural processes–including the weather. Is thermodynamics “atheistic,” simply b/c it relies on probability to understand how zillions of gas molecules behave as ensembles?
Prometheus Bound
August 26, 2023
I agree to some extent with Steven Barr’s analysis of the issue of ‘chance’, which I think can be supported by the observation of Proverbs that man rolls the die (random result) but God determines the outcome. But I am more interested in a response to the multiple misunderstandings the author had of the theory of evolution, the history of the idea, and Darwin’s contribution to the theory. I don’t think it wrong to have criticisms of evolution, but they need to be based on what the theory actually purports.
Max Leyf
February 2, 2024
Thank you for the comments and forgive my lack of responsiveness.
@Prometheus Bound, perhaps you would be obliged to explain the crucial points that I got wrong.
@Ted Davis, re the issue of “randomness,” as S. Barr hinted at in the linked essay, that something is random can never really be more than an epistemic designation and not an ontological one (for lack of a better term) because everything seems random until the logic of it is grasped. that it is useful in respect to predictive modelling to regard some phenomenon as ontologically random doesn’t prove that it is. and even so, I fail to see how this directly relates to Darwinian evolution however, because one thing the theory doesn’t do is make predictions.
Prometheus Bound
February 3, 2024
@Max Leyf, evolution does make predictions in much the same way as any other theory, though, like quantum theory, it cannot give exact predictions for a particular future event, since there are stochastic processes involved (i.e. mathematically random events; we can argue the ontology, but it seems that you have already admitted that phenomenologically speaking events can be random). It seems to me that throughout the article from start to finish you do not have a grasp on either the history of evolutionary theory nor the nature of the theory itself. It would require a very long article to counter each point. I will, however, note some specific misunderstandings and would be happy to send you a lengthier critique, since I would love to have constructive criticism on my own understanding of the issues. The first is your suggestion that “natural selection” is a chance process. Mutations are stochastic (they follow probability distributions but are specifically unpredictable), natural selection is a law-like process in which some creatures die because they cannot compete with other creatures that better utilize resources, escape predators, or other factors. So, for example, if on a particular island the fruit on certain trees become harder because of certain climactic or genetic factors, the birds of a certain species on that island that through genetics have the ability to crack and eat that fruit better will get more food and survive better than the birds that cannot do as well. The populations of the former birds will increase at the expense of the latter birds. This is natural selection in a nutshell. How that is teleological is hard to tell, since neither the birds nor the environment are being changed by any intelligent cause that can be ascertained statistically. Here are a few other misunderstandings: 1) you say that sexual selection is opposed to natural selection, but it is actually a part of the theory (though often discussed separately) and in “The Origin” Darwin addresses it. 2) The “Modern Synthesis” was not just an update of Darwin’s theory with Mendelian genetics, it was Mendelian genetics that allowed evolutionists to take Darwin’s theory of natural selection seriously! His theory was out of favor until that point (early 20th century). 3) “Selection” is misunderstood as teleological, because it misunderstands that evolutionary biologists use the word “selection” as a descriptive term (not a personification) simply refering to the process by which some living beings survive and others die in a particular enviroment, preserving a certain population of those living beings. It does not “identify and preserve genetic fitness through the chaos of generations” but is merely a description of the death of those who are less fit than others or the survival of those that are more fit. 4) Darwin did not propose a “blind” process that replaced artificial selection, but in fact had to spend a chapter of his book convincing his audience that artificial selection actually took place – that creatures were malleable. 5) You say that “natural selection” falls apart because the environment must include other organisms that are constantly changing. Darwin addressed this in “The Origin” as part of his theory. In fact he emphasized that the other organisms can be considered a larger influence on the course of evolution and natural selection than the nonliving world. 6) Scientists use the concept of “chance” in a very particular way, and it is not to say a cause is unknown, but that is statistically predictable; most Christians agree that quantum physics, which also works this way, is a science. 7) Epigenetics, though not completely worked out, is not Lamarckian but functions largely the way genetic mutations do. The reason it is not considered to be hugely influential in long-term evolution is because it does not transmit changes to the organism long-term (i.e. the changes are temporary). 8) That organisms “actively contribute to shaping the evolution of their own species” as you say, sounds like the experimentally disproved idea from the 1940s that animals specifically evolve to adapt to changed environments. The experiments showed that the adaptations (i.e., mutations) occur independently of the environmental changes. 9) You often talk as if “evolutionary theory” and “Darwinism” and “natural selection” are all identical ideas. They are quite different as can be seen by the fact that “evolution” of species was an idea that long predates Darwin, that “natural selection” is a part of his theory, and that “Darwinism” often refers to a modern synthesis that includes “natural selection” but also genetic drift, gene flow, and other processes. Anyway, these are some of the problems with your essay. I would be happy to continue this conversation with a more indepth analysis including more specific bibliographical references. Blessings!
Prometheus Bound
February 3, 2024
@leyfmax, my reply is above. I accidentally got your handle wrong.