Thank you for your analysis. What is extremely interesting to me is that, according to Barfield, phenomena themselves must have been different to the ancients who perceived them differently. We are so used to our subject-object perception that we fail to see that it's just a chosen lens to perceive the world. It appears to be outside not because it's outside but because I habitually choose to see it as outside. I choose to believe that there's nothing else there besides the appearance, which is just a belief. It's unprovable.

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what is “the external world” external to? not to consciousness because otherwise we wouldn’t know about it enough to call it “external.”

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The External World of Phenomenon exists in order for the experience of Self; the I Am. How else are we going to carve out a self-perception unless an "appearance world" comes forth in order to bump up against? This becomes the major resistance against a system that was once totally flow-through, and undifferentiated. Thus, the basis of the phenomenal world came forth in the Lemurian Epoch, at the point where the Moon separated, and individuated incarnations began.

Rudolf Steiner was writing about Goethe's "Primal Phenomenon" some 12 years before Owen Barfield was even born, and it was the aim of Goethe to experience the phenomenal world as the transparent veil to the ever-present origin, which marks the Realism of Mic-ha-el. The Cosmic Intelligence.


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