“Hell is to be contemplated strictly as a matter which concerns me alone. As part of the spiritual life it belongs behind the ‘closed door’ of my own room. From the standpoint of living faith, I cannot fundamentally believe in anyone’s damnation but my own; as far as my neighbor is concerned, the light of resurrection can never be so obscured that I would be allowed or obliged to stop hoping for him.”

—Hans Urs von Balthasar [Prayer, p. 266, Ignatius Press, 1986.]

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“Every human being who comes to share in some virtue by firm habit, certainly participates in God, who is the substance of all virtues.”

—Maximus Confessor

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Mar 15
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this is mostly unintelligible to me

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Maybe another crucis of soul? You put a lot on the table for consideration.

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There are some who would rather not take the time and effort to be truly human, and so they put your indicators through ChatGPT and let fly. Then, they display their results, and it makes a kind of existentialist statement about the meaninglessness of it all. When AI meets the insidious nature of social media, we must be on the alert. We must expose the wrongdoers. People today will listen to the dregs, rather than honestly strive to understand.

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