Adam & Eve in the Garden of Indestructible Light


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We must distinguish between "Man" as the first 'Who', and "Adam" as the second 'Who'. This is clearly demonstrated in the first three chapters of Genesis. Max, in my experience, it is very rare that anyone today takes on this exercise of analysis. Yet, how could the Generations of Adam and Eve, described in chapter five, have ever been made possible without the expulsion from the Garden in chapter three? Genesis is a book that describes evolutionary cycles, which number twelve. Thus, from chapter one to chapter three describes twelve increments of the very first evolutionary cycle. It is quite exponential, and even breathtaking in the efficiency of its description. Anyone, in five minutes, or less, can read of this, and then see from a completely objective position what is going on. Thanks for writing this overview. I am interfacing this right now with the 12 Holy Nights celebration, which can be looked upon as a microcosm of creation felt and experienced every year with the birth of Jesus, and the entry of Christ as the Earth Spirit.

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Feb 16, 2024
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yes, I think that's just right: just as it's our I that is responsible for the actions we take and words we speak, even if the impulse for the latter did not originate with the former but rather with our emotional or appetitive natures

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