Max, this is a masterpiece in the short era of the midsummer solstice. You seem to recognize your own constraint, and yet, seeing that self-conscious beholding will soon overtake us again, give this parable. Every line is something to consider, like the "lilies of the field". Comes interesting when we are considering Steiner's OOS, which can appear so austere.

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Jul 1Liked by Max Leyf

The essence of flowers are a higher beholding of the relationship between the human soul and the soul of the world struggling to overcome something in its environment... the flower of a plant is a manifestation of its triumph to overcome struggle or dysfunction. =) Thank you, Max -your poems are uniquely relevant and always touch my heart.

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This was a quick note I wrote several weeks ago, occasioned by someone identifying some wildflowers on a hike. I wondered where the word anemone came from, or rather, what it meant in Greek.

Then I found anemones are also called “lilies of the field,” so when Jesus says:

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these…But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

in the Sermon on the Mount, he’s using the anemone as a symbol for this kind of faith and openness to the future.

Anyway, anemone is “daughter of the breeze.”

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Jul 1Liked by Max Leyf

I was wondering about the 1st line and why lilies of the field might be significant! Beautiful and inspiring =)

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According to Steiner somewhere, when the nature spirit behind a lily feels the gaze of a human being, then a spell is lifted and disenchantment occurs. The nature spirit takes a step forward in its own evolution. This proves that everything is evolving.

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Jul 2Liked by Max Leyf

It seems to me, that the being behind every living thing wishes for humans to recognize the gift and sacrifice he brings into the world. Really, it's the least we can do in return - gaze upon a living thing, think about it's existence, and feel a sense of awe. Thank you, Steve for this reminder =) I recall reading something similar in another lecture where Steiner spoke about the four elements and how human beings can release elementals who are bewitched to matter.

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That’s really lovely, Leilani

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Yes, and possibly this the course:


We have to release elementals before Ahriman ravishes them. A simple prayer will do. Like, God bless this day. God bless this life. God bless this food. Not I, but Christ and Michael in me. I think paying particular attention to this Michael-Christ connection is important.

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that's a very lovely reflection, Leilani; thank you ☺️

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