Jun 22Liked by Max Leyf

That is a beautiful poem my friend! Powerful for sure! I will have to save it to reread when I am feeling low. Glad I read it this morning cause this is a low morning as it occurred to me I have no one to blame but myself. I am simply reaping what I’ve sowed. And I really really doubt I am done with the reaping in no way have I paid tomorrow’s debts. I am always in such awe of young people who are dedicating their lives to God and older people who have dedicated their lives to God. I know I w said it before but I am an 11th hour Christian and although the Bible I think says we receive the same wage as in eternal life. This last hour is not one that is without hardship because we are having a more difficult time than if we had started from the first hour by now we would know the job, be accustomed to the work, and have not wasted our strength in things contrary, we are not fresh and young or strong but frail and weak and the job( or Christian struggle, the Cross is still heavy plus it is stopped we battle inertia) So not to be self pitying as I said it is my own fault no one to blame but myself I am just grateful I have been allowed to live long enough to even see my Cross and understand and be given the Grace to approach and reach for it. It is only by His Grace that I even make the attempt as for the lifting and carrying I really think that too will be only by His Strength. Pray for me I pray for you friend.

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11And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, 12Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. 13But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? 14Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. 15Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? 16So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

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Thank you. I am grateful that we are all called! Peace to you friend. Pentecost tomorrow!!!

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I feel like this a lot lately! The purifying fires are a sign He is drawing near, I’m sure! Keep up the poetry Max. I like thinking that you are on the roof at sunrise writing verse.

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definitely! we have had the most amazing weather for Alaska this summer so I am up there by 5 am to catch the first rays of sun. thank you for the encouragement 😊

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This is a powerful interaction between Holly and Max. I find Max's response really intuitive, but have to wonder about this 11th hour message from Holly. You have left nothing behind. That is what it means that "the last become first and the first become last". I only regret that you did not receive the encouragement to study Spiritual Science, and wherein very profound insights are given. I also try to stay in touch. I remember my drowning experience from 1961. We are being touched all the time, and I think that Max is experiencing an extreme degree of this. The Northern Lights display is reported to be continuing this summer.

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Thanks for conveying something that moves with the ineffable. We humans tend to abstract it too much, and then when we hear about it, take it on the chin with modern-day church Christianity. Steiner's thesis was the Mystery of Golgotha as the center-piece, which was proffered to Holly a while ago. She asked you about what it means. I cannot help but to try to take it further. Our salvation has already been predetermined from the beginning. We only need to understand. This is Spiritual Science. Holly needs to embrace it because it has patiently been given for some time now.

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